| Aug 05 2012: Tattooed in Vancouver! "The blue heron feathers are a style mash-up. The inside of the feathers is done in Haida First Nations-style, and the outside is a more realistic feather to soften the design. The beads represent Gene and I. Blue is Gene, red is me, and yellow represents my bike and the sun."
— in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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| Aug 01 2012: Banff to Jasper The park has provided bear lockers where campers can store their food away from their tents. So we raid the other lockers for some free food before we head out to hike around the area.
— in Jasper, Alberta, Canada
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| Jul 29 2012: The Road to Banff We hit it at just the right time, as the sun was low in the horizon. The colours took on a beautiful, lazy hue lit by the setting sun and for the first time on this trip, I felt that zen-like feeling, when all the turns in the road come to you telepathically and everything is right in the world.
— in Banff, Alberta, Canada
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| Jul 26 2012: Recovering in Calgary On the weekend, we all visited a rodeo in nearby Rockyford, about an hour east of Calgary. We had missed Stampede by about a couple of weeks, but Rockyford's rodeo billed itself as the "biggest little show in Alberta".
— in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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| Jul 23 2012: Ouch in Saskatchewan The motorcycle starts to weave left and right, as the front wheel moves side-to-side, each oscillation getting worse in amplitude. Logically, I know what needs to be done: I need to relax my grip on the handlebars, grip the bike with my knees, and roll off the throttle slowly. But my natural instincts kick in and I do none of that. In fact, I do the exact opposite...
— in Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Saskatchewan, Canada
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| Jul 23 2012: Big Muddy Badlands ...the outlaw is running away from the US Marshalls, takes refuge in a cave in the hills and is in turn ambushed by Indians, and then all of them are chased by alien bounty hunters that look like Olivia Wilde...
— in Bengough, Saskatchewan, Canada
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| Jul 20 2012: Winnipeg We stayed for quite a while at the pow wow listening to the rhythmic drumming and hypnotic chanting and watching the many different tribes come together and dance around the circle. It was a feast of colours...
— in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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| Jul 16 2012: Goodbye, Ontario! Part II We've taken a few pictures of the goose over the years and just recently, rust spots have appeared on the wings and body. The town is trying to raise funds to repair the statue. Poor goose!
— in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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| Jul 15 2012: Goodbye, Ontario! Instead, we're now riding Hwy 129 north from Thessalon. It's often called Ontario's Tail of the Dragon, because Tennessee 129 shares the same number.
— in Wawa, Ontario, Canada
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| Jun 28 2012: Bay of Fun-Day These bizarre rock formations called flowerpot rocks, are created by the erosion of the twice-daily tides. The larger heads of the rocks are the parts untouched by the high tide. During low tide, it is possible to walk on the sea-floor and between the flowerpot rocks.
— in Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada
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| Jun 26 2012: Cabot Trail ... and set against the backdrop of the blue waters of the Gulf of St Lawrence and the clear skies above just made the riding day perfect! Scenic pullouts regularly line the Cabot Trail every few kms, offering picture-taking opportunities of the coastline, but we pass those up gobbling up the curves with unbroken rhythm!
— in Cabot Trail, Nova Scotia, Canada
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| Jun 24 2012: Hangin' in Halifax Just like Buckingham Palace in England, Neda tries to make the guard smile at the Citadel. Unsuccessfully...
— in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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