| Sep 07 2012: Frozen solid in the Kenai Peninsula We're introduced to a new Alaskan term, "Termination Dust". No, it's not a military bio-chemical weapon, it's the first trace of snow that appears on the summit of the mountains around southern Alaska, which signals the start of winter. As the last days of autumn start counting down, the termination dust starts creeping lower and lower until it reaches the ground.
— in Homer, Alaska, United States
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| Sep 03 2012: Anchored Down in Anchorage During the night, a storm whipped through the city toppling down trees and power lines. Weather equipment recorded 210 km/h winds before their data feed got cut. If we had tented, we would have woken up in a tree somewhere in Oz.
— in Anchorage, Alaska, United States
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| Aug 31 2012: ColdFeet in the Arctic Ocean The mud on the road quickly multiplied. This was the Dalton's final assualt on us. My speed dropped to a crawl as the motorcycle wobbled in every direction but straight. Traction was non-existant. The high and heavy weight of all the laundry detergent and potato chips from the Prudhoe Bay Hotel threatened to topple my GS at every inch.
— in Fairbanks, Alaska, United States
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| Aug 29 2012: Beating the Deadhorse The Atigun Pass climbs 4739 feet above sea level, and as we make the ascent up the wet, gravelly road, we encounter white-out conditions, the shoulders and mountain-sides slowly accumulating with snow. Our speed drops, not only because of the road conditions, but because we are also busy marveling at the amazing views unfolding before us.
— in Deadhorse, Alaska, United States
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| Aug 28 2012: Getting ColdFoot on the Dalton Highway The Automobile Associations refuse to service the Dalton, not considering it a proper road. Any catastrophic breakdowns/crashes along the way will involve you hiring a private towing company to come out and fetch you at $5/mile back to Fairbanks. My mental calculator was working out how high the financial stakes were the further north we headed.
— in Coldfoot, Alaska, United States
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| Aug 26 2012: Top of the World to the North Pole The patchy pavement quickly turns to gravel and starts to climb up above the timberline. We're on the Top of The World Highway, one of the most northern highways in North America. It probably got its name because most of the road rests on the spine of the mountains that overlooks the Yukon to the north and colourful valleys on both sides of the ridge.
— in Fairbanks, Alaska, United States
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| Aug 22 2012: Striking Gold in the Yukon The original buildings were built right on the permafrost land during the summer of the gold rush. However, once the winters came, the warmth of the floor melted the waters of the ground underneath and caused the first structures to cave in on themselves.
— in Dawson City, Yukon Territories, Canada
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| Aug 21 2012: Fake Alaska! Hyder is the southern-most city in Alaska accessible by road. There's way more bragging rights in saying, "I rode all the way to Alaska!" than, "I rode all the way to the middle of British Columbia!" But now you know: Hyder, Alaska = Fake Alaska...
— in Hyder, Alaska, United States
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| Aug 18 2012: Riding through the BC Drylands We tried to figure out which fish they tagged and which they just released without tagging, the fish that were the most interesting to them were the ones that jumped straight into the net...
— in Kitwanga, British Columbia, Canada
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| Aug 17 2012: Highline Trail to Lillooet The Highline Trail climbs rapidly from D'Arcy, and you soon can see Anderson Lake from a high vantage point. Open only in the summertime, it is only recommended for 4WD vehicles. Or 1wd...
— in Lillooet, British Columbia, Canada
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| Aug 15 2012: 2 Wheelin' in Whistler We spent half the day watching the mountain bikers launch themselves off a platform 50-feet from the ground, perform physics-defying feats of acrobatics and then land on a huge downhill dirt ramp, all against the backdrop of the magnificent Rocky Mountains.
— in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
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| Aug 08 2012: Vancouver Island ...it's kind of special for us, since we've got a shot of us in Cape Speer out on the east coast of Newfoundland, and now we're in Tofino, out in the west coast of Vancouver Island. We've crossed Canada coast-to-coast and seen a lot of the country along the way, and I feel this was a proper way to say goodbye to the place that we've lived in for so long.
— in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
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